Since its founding by Merike and Stephen Bauer in 2005, Reigo & Bauer has developed an extensive portfolio of contemporary architecture and interiors, including new builds and ambitious renovations, primarily focusing on the residential sector. The firm’s considered and collaborative approach yields final results of exceptional quality, uniquely attuned to each client’s requirements and way of life.

Reigo & Bauer’s built works represent a strikingly modern yet deeply informed evolution of traditional vernacular forms, often through sculptural massing that reinterprets, rather than erases, traditional architectural elements. In both renovations and new builds, the firm shies away from the plain-box archetype often associated with modernism, instead favouring fresh variations on pitched roofs and other time-tested forms.

The overarching logic that governs each project is equally informed from the outset by context. Whether it’s an existing building’s history or the typologies of surrounding structures, context edifies an architecture that is modern yet approachable, minimalistic yet humanistic, and pleasingly well-suited to its site, its neighbours, and its history.

The same logic that shapes massing also informs the interior language. Reigo & Bauer’s interiors blend design elements beginning with an emphasis on what works best, then considering it through the lens of how to make it as beautiful and timeless as possible. The results are often open, but not open-concept; interior space is subtly partitioned in ways that allow for an understanding of the continuity of the space beyond.

Reigo & Bauer’s interiors thus deliver a unified, yet highly varied aesthetic experience. Through restrained minimalism, design elements are reduced to their most essential forms—simplified, rather than lessened—eliminating what’s unnecessary to strengthen what’s meaningful. This quiet background makes room for playful touches that reinforce, rather than compete with, one another; through the firm’s expert use of extended motifs and coordinated layers of detail, multiple design elements act as a single gesture.


Merike Bauer
B. Arch


Stephen Bauer
B. Arch, OAA